Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Semiotic House Assembly

'...Plain as it is to us that what the world seeks through desert and wild, we have in our thresholds

So plain as it is to us that there is no such thing as a husband and he has no such ending as wife

And plain as it is to us that there is no such place as serious as home

And plain as it is to us that there may be no such manifesto as place as this....'

With this excerpt from a less recent poem of mine in mind, I wrote this new, fresh, raw, semi epileptic poem below, last night. Please note that the formatting is off since I'm not posting this as an attachment, and I'll figure out how to fix that soon. Of course I'm soliciting response, commentary, ideally in the form of others' 'poesies,' pieces "of air in the epic."


In Order to Survive


the casino

round shape of winning brings cylinder brings engine brings destination brings the hegemony of demand over function as in spinningunderwaterlungs invent the air it costs to talk makes nerves near the surface hawks aggravate and paddle in the reflexion of saying, us offering nation to the swollen money

Tame shape of round with me, round ribbon swimmer children emblem faith when they hike the water for wheels and pace each airtealriverbrisk of earning a word before its antecedent, similar to meeting kindred. This is premonition why 'God is dumb,' we trust him, why dumb as us inventing bodies to speak in and calling them states, interests, formal shape of government as any word in unison with its negation, state for example, again, country place, milk, milktaste, hope, inextricable, why the same symbol repeating means victory to the game machine Three clovers, three inaugural fervor, three versions of folk luck: the token, the land-in, the location You've come here with me at the nickel mashing the nickel into a sea shell microphone and we build a speech through the value and into intuitive use clone a value, attempting to prove ourselves of no reason but hungry which brings empty which brings the temptation to feed and tocount: me, now, and memory

These many languages I favor into one swoop of order : that I need to exempt water, to tension air, to land land terrain, when, there you are looking famous as a coin face, vague and exchangeable word for yourself, my any abolitionist, my gambling habit, my eye forget your name but lights flash, and win pour out, and I use the loud metal for a house, place to go to place another round.

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